Saturday, April 15, 2006


Like an old loblolly pine, my paintings take forever to grow, spiraling and layering out. For example, Love and Magic (shown below) probably took thirty + hours of intense work to complete. I do not and will not ever create conveyor paintings to please others and get sold because for me, they skim the surface. It takes great patience to work your way through the layers of images and thoughts that come up and together, create the world of a single piece. It takes time to hack through the kudzu and overgrowths of twisty branches and brambles. Sometimes years to find that nest deep in the armpit of an old tree where all of this singing is coming from. How I deal with my ideas, as well as the external elements of my own life that occur as I'm creating a piece, all affect the final outcome. I have recently been using my dreams as guides for what my paintings want to say and show.

Unfinished Business


9'' x 12.2''

acrylic, ink, and graphite on watercolor paper

Mimi's House with Redbug Disco Inset,

Illustration from The Last Words of My Southern Grandmother


9.5'' x 13''

acrylic and ink on paper

Detail from above

(The Redbug disco)

Love and Magic


8'' x 10''
acrylic on canvas

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Detail from my latest work in progress

Close-up: St. Francis's skull

Complete work measures 2.5' x 3'
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.